January 7th 2025
The unapproved drugs claim to treat and control seizures in canine and feline patients
Journal Scan: Current understanding of feline epilepsy, diagnostic testing, and treatment
July 23rd 2014An overview of our current understanding of feline epilepsy, including diagnostic testing and treatment.Why they did itThere is a lack of scientific literature about epilepsy in cats, and much of the terminology as well as diagnostic and treatment recommendations have been extrapolated from experience with dogs and people. This article reviews the available literature and provides an overview of our current understanding of feline epilepsy, including diagnostic testing and treatment.Overview
Cranial nerve disorders in dogs (Proceedings)
October 1st 2011Generally, the underlying causes of neurological abnormalities of the head and face are similar whichever nerve (or nucleus) is affected, but, in addition, there are a few conditions that are specific to, or more commonly affect, certain nerves.
Meningitis and encephalitis in dogs--treat for the treatable (Proceedings)
October 1st 2011The hallmark of CNS inflammation is infiltration of peripheral blood leukocytes into the neuroparenchyma and its coverings, resulting in various types of encephalitis and/or meningitis, and sometimes associated with altered vascular integrity that leads to edema.
Status epilepticus--the cookbook approach (Proceedings)
October 1st 2011Status epilepticus is a danger to the patient and a treatment challenge for the clinician. Although no evidence exists to indicate that early initiation of appropriate treatment improves the outcome in dogs with seizures, such evidence does exist for human medicine and remains an important basic tenet of treatment.
Seizures and status epilepticus (Proceedings)
August 1st 2011The pathophysiological mechanisms that cause seizures are poorly understood. Neurons are excitable tissue constantly held in check. Neurons have a seizure threshold and seizures result when the threshold is lowered and there is imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms that favors excitation.
Stroke: CNS vascular diseases (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011The brain is an extremely well vascularized organ and is supplied by approximately 15-20% of the total blood flow of the body. This high requirement for blood is necessitated by the brain's high metabolic activity and corresponding need for oxygen and glucose to fuel this activity.
Inflammatory brain and spinal cord diseases: more common than you think! (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011A variety of clinical signs may be seen with inflammatory CNS disease, depending on what area of the nervous system is affected. Involvement of the forebrain (cerebral cortex and thalamus) may result in seizures, altered mentation (stupor, coma, delirium, head pressing), vision abnormalities, and compulsive pacing or circling. Involvement of the brainstem (pons and medulla oblongata) may result in altered mentation, cranial nerve deficits (e.g., vestibular dysfunction [head tilt, nystagmus], facial nerve paralysis, swallowing difficulties, tongue paralysis), ataxia, and proprioceptive deficits.
A pain in the neck: diagnosing and treating neck and back pain (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011Neck and back pain are common presenting complaints in veterinary medicine and occur in animals with a variety of signalments. Animals may present with a chronic history of lower-grade discomfort, although acute presentations of moderate to severe pain are common and extremely distressing to owner and pet alike.
Down dogs: disk disease, the steroid controversy and beyond (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011Acute paraplegia is a sudden onset of paralysis in the pelvic limbs, and is a common problem in small animal patients. Paraparesis is weakness in the pelvic limbs due to a neurologic cause, and can be quite variable in severity (ambulatory to non-ambulatory).
Treatment of cluster seizures and status epilepticus (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011The vast majority of seizures are self-limiting events, with eventual spontaneous return to resting or baseline neurologic function. However, during status epilepticus, a variety of changes occur within cells and networks of cells that result in a situation where the seizure activity becomes self-sustaining.
Seizures: etiologies and developing a diagnostic plan (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011The clinical manifestation of excessive and/or hypersynchronous neuronal discharge within the brain; may be manifested as episodic impairment or loss of consciousness, abnormal motor phenomena, psychic or sensory disturbances, or autonomic signs such as salivation, vomiting, urination or defecation. Synonyms – convulsion, ictus, fit.
Full tilt! Diagnosing and managing vestibular dysfunction in dogs and cats (Proceedings)
May 1st 2011The vestibular system is responsible for the maintenance of balance and equilibrium in the body, and is comprised of a number of anatomic structures. The semicircular canals are located within the thick petrous temporal bone of the skull, and are composed of three bony canals containing membranous ectoderm structures (semicircular ducts) filled with fluid (endolymph).