
Tad Coles, DVM


Kansas City symposium focuses on 'zoobiquitous' research

Speakers' presentations discuss collaboration between veterinary, human medicine.

Deborah Silverstein, DVM, DACVECC


Practical Matters: Intravenous solutions: Should I worry about osmolarity?

Peripheral venous catheters are most commonly used to deliver intravenous fluids and drugs. However, administering hyperosmolar solutions may cause vascular endothelial damage and thrombophlebitis.

Peter Weinstein


Veterinary prescriptions made easy

Everything you need to know about ePrescribing and why it just makes sense for veterinary practices

Julie Scheidegger


Flint water crisis threatens residents and their pets

Michigan state veterinarian provides information, resources to pet owners concerned about the effects of lead-tainted water on their animals.

Jessica Goodman Lee, CVPM


Dissecting the discount

Are incentives worth cultivating new and loyal clients who may be worth 10 times the original investment?

Ed Gilsleider, DVM


Six steps to manage stress (Sponsored by Intervet/Schering-Plough Animal Health)

The day-to-day tasks and surprises of an equine practitioner can be stressful to even the most level-headed person.

Andrea Hewitt, Assistant Content Specialist


Help clients save pets from the cold

Frostbite, ice melts and dehydration are risks for pets outdoors or traveling. Remind your clients today to prepare for these chilly months.

Jim Humphries, DVM


How to be highly effective in media interviews

Sooner or later, most professionals will find themselves in front of a camera or microphone.

Ed McKnight, DVM


You know you need a new job if ...

There could have been a postscript at the end of the article, "Signs You Need a New Job" (By the Numbers, September/October 2006). It may have read like this: P.S. You may need a new job if the first article in this issue you read is titled, "Signs You Need a New Job." Thanks for the humor and the advice.

Bennet M. Wilson


Some models of pay don't pay

As graduation approaches, my mind is a whirlwind of questions, concerns, and hopes. I'm ready to practice?mostly. Yet there's one topic that leaves me wary: salary. While production-based compensation and traditional salary historically have been the only two options, they each have room for improvement. But there's a third choice: the ProSal formula, developed by Hospital Management Editor Mark Opperman, CVPM. To understand why I think ProSal is right for me and other new associates, consider these pros and cons.

Eugene M. Kravis, DVM


How to develop a step-by-step guide for coping with disasters

Traditionally, the American Red Cross is there to help people in the event of a disaster. However,because they have no provisions for pets, many people have turned away from that aid to remain with their pets.

Charlotte Higgins, AS, CVT


Nutritional nuggets for hyperthyroid cats

The right veterinary diet can be key to helping manage hyperthyroidism. Consider this advice about how to offer nutritional support for cats with hyperthyroidism.

Susan Cox, RVT, VTS (SAIM)


Overview of small animal urinary tract endoscopy (Proceedings)

Cystoscopy has not received much attention in clinical practice until recently.

Carol Foil, DVM, DACVD


Common mistakes in dermatitis case workups

In 25 years of talking to primary-care veterinarians about their struggles with dermatology cases, I am convinced that the major cause of frustration is time management.

Joerg Mayer, DVM, DABVP, MSC


Avian radiology (Proceedings)

Major indications: Radiology is one of the most important diagnostic exam methods in birds. It is extremely well suited due to the poor specificity of disease symptoms a sick bird shows and especially due to the presence of the airsacs in the coelomic cavity. The air in the body and around the organs is a great contrast material.

Melissa Andrasik, BS, RVT


Technicians: Get credentialed and reap the rewards

Are you on the fence about putting in the extra work to receive those three little letters? This expert says it's worth your time.

Allen M. Schoen, MS, DVM


Acupuncture therapy for small animal neurologic conditions (Proceedings)

Acupuncture may be used as a primary therapy or as a complementary, integrative therapy in the treatment of various neurologic conditions.

Donna Oakley, CVT, VTS


Ensuring a safe blood supply: Part I (Proceedings)

A safe and adequate supply of blood components for transfusion is indispensable.

Peter Emily, DDS, DAVDC (Honorary)


Practical regional anesthesia for dentistry and oral surgery (Proceedings)

Local anesthesia is employed prior to all dental procedures. Dental procedures can be very painful. The patient often can feel dental procedures while under inhalation anesthesia.

Nikki L. Quenette, CPA, CMA


How to keep your best employees from walking out the door (Proceedings)

Finding and keeping good employees has arguably been the most difficult task facing the veterinary profession for some years.

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