The dvm360® equine medicine page is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and insights on the latest in veterinary equine medicine. This page consists of videos, interviews, articles, podcasts, and research on the advancements and developments of therapies for equine medicine, and more.
February 14th 2025
Approved by the FDA in January 2024, EquiCoxib is a noninvasive, liquid formulation.
MRLS: 'Reasonable control' strategies urged to guard against caterpillar threat
May 1st 2007There are no signs this Spring of widespread high populations of eastern tent caterpillar (ETC) – the insect linked to Mare Reproductive Loss Syndrome (MRLS) – but horse farms still should take precautionary measures, says Lee Townsend, PhD, entomologist at the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture.
Complexity of colic magnifies challenge of isolating its cause
April 1st 2007Equine colic is "responsible for more deaths in horses than any disease group except old age." That's how Nathaniel A. White, DVM, MS, Dipl. ACVS, described the insidious nature of the condition in a 2005 presentation to the American Association of Equine Practitioners in Quebec.
EHV cases reportedly on the rise
March 1st 2006National Report ? An increase in the number and severity of equine herpesvirus Type-1-induced neurological disease outbreaks has forced the closure of racetracks, the quarantine of several barns in least four states this year and the humane destruction of several horses.
Reproductive stimulation, acupuncture helps troubled mares conceive and carry full term
February 1st 2005Acupuncture treatment in mares and stallions seems to provide benefit as a therapy to treat reproductive disorders dependent on the condition and the duration of treatment. In addition to study and use in horses, there is considerable use and study in several species, including its use in women, especially as an analgesic for obstetric and gynecological procedures (see story). For those animals that do not respond well to conventional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine affords a viable alternative that has shown results for horses during the past several millennia.
AAEP wants research proposals on adjunct bleeder medications
May 1st 2004Lexington, Ky.-The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) issued a call for proposals to research the efficacy of aminocaproic acid and/or conjugated estrogens related to use as a race day medication for the prevention of exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH).