Electronic Stethoscope


3M introduces the new Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 4000.

3M introduces the new Littmann Electronic Stethoscope Model 4000. Digitalrecording and storage of sounds provides opportunities for further analysis.The stethoscope is specially designed to pick up difficult-to-hear heartand other body sounds. The chestpiece houses a microphone and low-noiseamplifiers that offers up to 18 times the amplification of the most advancedconventional Littmann stethoscope, the company says. Three frequency responsemodes provide optimal heart and lung ausculation ­ bell (20-200 Hz),diaphragm (100-500 Hz) and extended range (20-1000Hz).

The recording, storage and playback capabilities of the stethoscope provideadditional opportunities for further clinical analysis and decision-making.

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