Study names veterinary medicine one of the most underrated professions


New survey names veterinarian as No. 2 most-underrated profession.

Veterinarians got it all: "stable hiring outlook, competitive pay and life-enriching work," according to the new (and, admittedly, gimmicky) study "The Most Underrated Jobs of 2013" by job-search website

What criteria did Careercast use to squeeze veterinarian in there between computer systems analyst and biologist? Veterinary practitioners have the sixth-best hiring outlook among all careers measured in CareerCast's Jobs Rated report, and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that veterinary medicine will grow up to 36 percent by 2020, with wages averaging more than $80,000 per year.

The good news for those of you in the field so far?

1. School debt is only going to grow for tomorrow's practitioners, but you've incurred yours already.

2. Admission into veterinary school continues to be far more difficult than many other careers, holding back a lot of competitors.

3. You're reading this issue. That's right. This issue has the magic sauce to make your veterinary career not just underrated but awesome. Don't believe me? Flip to the back page and take Dr. Shawn Finch's advice on how to be awesome by doing what many of you on your best days would prefer to do anyway: ignore the competition and be your best.

And we know it's not all about the pets. When spoke to Texas veterinarian Dr. Brittany Marvel, she spilled on what she really loves about the job: "Working with the clients. I love the animals of course, but being able to relate to people and help them take care of their other 'family members' is what I really love." For those of you interested in sharper, more effective client communication—an absolute necessity in maintaining your "stable job outlook" and "competitive pay" and the chance to do that "life-enriching work"—head straight to the story "Bad things good veterinarians say".

Now go be awesome and underrated.

Brendan Howard, Editor

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