Constipated communication: Diagnostic checklist


Rate your veterinary practice to find out whether your team communication is up to snuff.

Not sure if your practice suffers from constipated communication? Evaluate the degree to which these "clinical signs" are present in your practice. (1 = not at all, 10 = rampant)

______Mixed messages (especially from the practice owner)



______Covert communication



______High turnover

______Lost motivation

______ TOTAL

Your score:

0 to 20: Excellent! You have a healthy practice.

21 to 40: Very good! You have a few areas to work on.

41 to 60: Fair. It's time to prescribe some communication cures.

61 to 80: Warning! Immediate attention to communication is needed.

Dr. Brad Swift is founder of the Life on Purpose Institute and helps professionals through writing, speaking, and coaching. Send comments to or visit

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