


Pain assessment and management strategies (Proceedings)

Pain is defined as an aversive sensory and emotional experience.

Andrew Hillier, BVSc, MACVSc, DACVD


Treatment of Pseudomonas otitis in the dog (Sponsored by Pfizer)

Otitis externa is a common presenting problem in clinical practice. In chronic cases, the infection frequently extends to the middle ear. While multiple factors contribute to otitis development and subsequent secondary infections, the organisms found most often in affected ears include Staphylococcus species, Malassezia pachydermatis, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Gabrielle Tompkins


Talking like cats and dogs

When your team speaks, it might sound like a cacophony of meows and barks. Even if you're the lone feline-esque voice, you can still communicate. Just identify your verbal tendencies-as well as those of your co-workers-and strive to get along with the rest of the pack.

Linda J. DeBowes, DVM, Dipl. AVDC


When to refer?

There are multiple reasons to consider referring a patient to a veterinary dental specialist. Factors to consider when deciding on when to recommend a referral include the patient's problem, the primary veterinarian's level of expertise, available equipment, and the individual client and their expectations regarding patient care.

Leah A. Cohn, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


What you should know about... Cytauxzoonosis

A new treatment regimen shows promise in managing cats with this serious, often fatal infection.

Donna Recupido, CVPM


3 steps to solving veterinary practice problems

Immersing yourself in the day-to-day activities of your hospital can make all the difference when tackling client, patient and employee problems.This was written by one of 10 finalists for the Veterinary Economics Practice Manager of the Year award, sponsored by VPI. For more from each finalist and a slideshow of the nominees, visit

Kim Horne, AAS, CVT


A technician's role in dermatologic exams (Sponsored by Lilly)

As a veterinary technician, the vital role you play with dermatology patients cannot be emphasized enough. Obtaining an accurate history, correctly performing diagnostic procedures, and educating clients are essential for the successful management of patients with dermatologic conditions.

Kate KuKanich, DVM, PhD, DACVIM


A case-based clinician's approach to vomiting dogs (Proceedings)

We have a positive cryptococcus on this cat 7-20-10. Chem normal except glob 6.8 and alb 2.1., wbc 27,820. Primarily granulocytes, dec lynphycytes. Rbc 7,420 mild dehydration. Faint positive leukemia neg fiv.

Sandra Mitchell, DVM


A river runs through her

I spend my weekends paddling. And we're not talking relaxing jaunts on placid lakes, here-this is white-water canoeing.

W. Mark Cousins, DVM, DABVP (feline practice)


CVC Highlight: A quick Q&A on feline vaccine site-associated sarcomas

Some recommendations regarding vaccination and reducing the risk of vaccine site-associated sarcoma.

Catriona MacPhail, DVM, PhD, BA, DACVS


Surgery STAT: Examining options to treat feline inflammatory polyps

Feline inflammatory polyps are benign growths originating from the middle ear of cats and can result in upper-airway obstruction, otitis externa and otitis media. The two most common methods of removal are by traction and ventral bulla osteotomy.

Thomas Lewis, DVM, DACVD


Diagnosing food allergies in dogs and catsBring your case to trial

An elimination diet trial is the only way to diagnose a food allergy in a dog or cat. Heres a step-by-step guide for selecting and conducting an elimination diet trial.

Katy W. Waddell, RVT, VTS (ECC, anesthesia)


Pain recognition and management (Proceedings)

What is pain? Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. All potential and actual tissue damage in animals should be considered to cause pain. Pain can be experienced with or without accompanying signs of stress (e.g., tachycardia, hypertension). The first step in treating pain is to recognize the signs and symptoms.

Adam Honeckman, DVM, DACVIM


New tests make feline, canine pancreatitis diagnosis easier

Pancreatitis is a common disorder in both cats and dogs, according to pathological examination of pancreas tissue post-mortem.

Jana Gordon, DVM, DACVIM


Which insulin should I use? (Proceedings)

Insulin has become increasingly important in the treatment of dogs and cats with diabetes mellitus. Almost all dogs are classified with insulin-dependent or type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Michael D. Apley, DVM, PhD, DACVCP


Managing pain in food animals (Proceedings)

The capacity to experience pain is considered to have a protective role by eliciting behavioral responses aimed at reducing further tissue damage and enhance wound healing. However, persistent pain syndromes offer no biological advantage and are associated with suffering and distress.

Susan Burns, BS, RVT, VTS (anesthesia)


Anesthetic monitoring savvy

Understanding and interpreting data from a multi-parameter monitor is paramount to a successful anesthetic experience in veterinary practice. Consider this advice to understand these vital values and explore what to do when you encounter abnormalities.

Kate Wendleton


What is negotiable?

Everything's negotiable. That doesn't mean you'll get it, but it is negotiable. First, think of what is important to you. Make a personal list of what you must have vs. what you want in your first job. Decide where you can be flexile, but also know the issues that are deal breakers for you.

Gwendolyn Lynch, DVM, DACVO


Ophthalmic anatomy and diagnostics (Proceedings)

Pertinent ophthalmic anatomy for veterinarians in private practice is reviewed from the outside in, as are related diagnostic tests and pertinent diseases. In order, the orbit, eyelids, third eyelid, tear film, nasolacrimal drainage system, cornea and sclera, lens, uveal tract (iris, ciliary body, choroid), iridocorneal angle and aqueous dynamics, vitreous, retina, optic nerve, and visual cortex are reviewed.

Michelle Powers, DVM, DACVS


A mulitmodal approach to treating canine osteoarthritis beyond NSAIDs (Sponsored by Nestlé Purina)

This multimodal approach to the osteoarthritis patient will ideally increase pain-free movement, decrease inflammation, decrease stress on joints, and have some chondroprotective attributes.

William J. Lynott


10 banking mistakes that can cost you or your veterinary practice big

Keep these 10 banking errors from chipping away at your net income

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