Pet insurance company reveals the highest claims reported over the past year-most cost clients more than $10,000.
As the cost and quality of veterinary care increase, so do claims submitted to pet insurance companies. Pets Best Insurance recently revealed some of the highest claims it has received over the past year. Here are the top five most expensive.
1. Car accident
One dog was hit by a car and kept on life support for two weeks. The owner filed a claim for more than $55,000. The dog sustained multiple fractures but is reportedly doing well.
2. Cervical spondylomyelopathy
This condition, also known as "wobbler's syndrome," caused one pet owner to file a claim for $21,580, which reflects the condition's progressive nature and the necessity of radiographs, MRIs, medication and surgery.
3. Meningioma
The claim for this form of central nervous system cancer came to a total of $15,533.
4. Intervertebral Disc Disease
A "slipped disk" in the spinal cord often renders the pet unable to move or feel sensation in its limbs. CT scans, MRIs and surgery are generally all necessary, which is why the claim came into Pets Best Insurance at nearly $14,400.
5. Endocarditis
One pet owner submitted a claim for more than $11,000 to treat inflammation of the inside lining of the heart chambers and valves.
Pets Best paid a flat percentage of each claim, up to allowable limits, the company reports.