Now's the time to overcome your technophobia


Rethink your strategy to using technology in your practice, and things might run more smoothly.

Increased efficiency is a winning tactic among businesses that survive recessions and emerge even stronger. One often overlooked route to efficiency is changing the way you use technology in your practice. Here are a few tips from accounting firm Lacher McDonald for getting more from your electronics.

Go paperless. A paperless system not only saves trees, but also your time. You'll no longer need to ask around for a missing file-they'll all be on the computer. Your files will be better organized, and you won't have to mess with changing those pesky printer cartridges so often.

Learn to use your software. You probably know the basics of your practice software, but there are plenty more features you haven't touched. Most software vendors provide a range of training courses for their products. Take advantage of these tutorials and you'll likely see a spike in efficiency. And if you're still using an old, outdated software program, now's a great time to upgrade.

Give team members an all-access pass. Providing remote access to team members allows them to reach their individual desktops from any connected computer. This can dramatically increase workflow, since each team member won't be stuck working at just one computer.

Start shopping. Money's tight right now, but that gigantic copy machine you're still using is hogging valuable resources-and space-in your practice. Many practices are shifting toward smaller, streamlined desktop scanners to save on ink and electricity usage-as well as team members' time.

There are many strategies for increasing efficiency these days, so don't overlook your technology usage. A few small changes can go a long way.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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