FDA OKs Novartis vaccine label


Scour Bos 9, from Novartis Animal Vaccines, received United States Department of Agriculture approval for administration at eight to 16 weeks prior to calving as an initial dose the first year of vaccination.

Scour Bos 9, from Novartis Animal Vaccines, received United States Department of Agriculture approval for administration at eight to 16 weeks prior to calving as an initial dose the first year of vaccination. The new label gives veterinarians and producers the additional flexibility for vaccinating first-calf heifers and mature cows receiving their first dose of Scour Bos 9.This new administration period enables producers to initiate a scours prevention program at preg check, says John Landon, beef marketing manager for Novartis Animal Vaccines, Inc. Scour Bos 9 is the only product to carry this label, making it convenient for producers to protect calves against scours due to E. coli, rotavirus, coronavirus and Clostridium perfringens Type C.With beef cattle markets at record-setting high prices, each calf counts more than ever, the company says.Research has shown that calves suffering from scours never catch up to herdmates. To avoid a scours outbreak, Landon recommends beef producers increase the herds resistance before the scours challenge of the calving season. He offers these tips: Vaccinate all healthy, pregnant females with the broadest-spectrum scours preventive available. Ensure each calf ingests four or more quarts of antibody-bolstered colostrum within six hours of birth. Provide cows and calves with an abundance of space during calving season. Keep calving areas as clean and dry as possible. Separate scouring calves and their mothers from the herd until scours clears up.

For fastest response call (913) 451-2708 or visit the Web site at www.livestock.novartis.com.

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