Choosing the thrive, not just survive-Maximizing client care (Part 2) (Proceedings)


Culture is what you think and do without thinking about it.

"If Disney Ran Your Hospital: 9½ Things You Would Do Differently: Cultural Insights From a Hospital Executive Who Became a Disney Cast Member." -By Fred Lee

It's about culture, not service

Culture is what you think and do without thinking about it.

Client/patient-focused care (SHARE)

          • Sense people's needs before they ask (initiative)

          • Help each other out (teamwork)

          • Acknowledge people's feelings (empathy)

          • Respect the dignity and privacy of everyone (courtesy)

          • Explain what's happening (communication)

If Disney ran your hospital, you would

5. Decentralize the authority to say "Yes"

You are always right when you are satisfying a client.

Autonomy and decision making are keys to retaining excellent team members

The authority to say "Yes" elevates the status of every employee

Many employees do not want the responsibility of deciding when to say "Yes" and when to say "No"

A "huddle" can facilitate communication, responsibility, and teamwork

What is important to you, the practice owner?

          • Is this information clearly included in your new employee orientation?

          • Are expectations clear?

          • If expectations are clear and are discussed regularly at team meetings, then the decision-making around making someone's day is easy

          • The goal is a complete, seamless, hassle-free experience for the client that creates a lasting impression - - a "story"

If Disney ran your hospital, you would

6. Change the concept of work from service to theater

This is the model of business as a transforming experience

We need to shift from providing services to staging experiences

"Scripting" contributes to the activity of creating experiences...

          • It provides a concrete expression of vision...

          • It describes the roles people need to play in creating client experiences and how team members are expected to relate to one another and to clients...

          • What would your clients say if you asked, "What is a memorable moment of doing business with us?"

          • Be fanatical about paying attention to details

          • Even if 99% of your clients don't notice a given detail (talk about it), do it anyway

          • The #1 question at Disney World (after "Where are the restrooms") is, "What time is the 3 o'clock parade?"

          • What are they really asking?

          • Be sure to "hear" the "real" questions your clients are asking you!

          • Give your clients what they want before they need it

What is your practice's service theme?

          • Your staff should know your service theme, even if they cannot recite it word-for-word

          • Once you know and can articulate your service theme, you can create service standards, which need to include the image you will project - - that's the "show" or "theater" of what we do

          • What do you want to be known for?

          • Think in terms of hiring for talent rather than simply for skills

If Disney ran your hospital, you would

7. Harness the motivating power of imagination

                a. Imagination influences feelings

                b. Imagination and empathy (feelings) are keys to teamwork

                c. Use imagination for motivation, not creativity

                d. Four levels of motivation

                     - level 1 - - compliance

                     - level 2 - - willpower

                     - level 3 - - imagination

                     - level 4 - - habit (another name for "habit" is "talent")

                e. Imagination and empathy diffuse anger

Teach your teams to "LAST" when there is a problem in a client interaction:

          • Listen

          • Apologize

          • Solve the problem

          • Thank the client

You can't fake empathy

Larry Winget - - "We must make a switch from a 'client satisfaction' mentality to a 'client success' mentality."

Larry Winget - - "A jerk with a bunch of client service techniques under his belt is still a jerk."

          • Know what your clients want

          • Know what your clients need

          • Know what your clients think

          • Know what your clients feel

          • Know whether your clients are satisfied

          • Know whether your clients will return

What Your Clients Need:

          • Need to feel welcome and to receive help

          • Need for timely service

          • Need to be understood

          • Need for respect

          • Need for quality, reliable products and service

          • Need to feel important

          • Need to be recognized or remembered

          • Need to feel comfortable

          • Need to be appreciated

If Disney ran your hospital, you would

8. Create a climate of dissatisfaction - -

                a. Dissatisfaction is the father of improvement

                b. The drive for competence is the primary source of pleasure in the normal development of human beings

                c. Complacency is the human equivalent of inertia

Competition is not a better motivator than our own deepest desire to be more competent tomorrow than we are today.

Successful practices exist to satisfy the needs of clients and patients - - the majority of our clients want us to advocate for what is best for their pets - - this is the heart of improved compliance

          • Surprise and delight your client any time you get a chance

          • Continuously improve your processes for delivering services to clients and patients

If Disney ran your hospital, you would

9. Cease using competitive monetary rewards to motivate people

                a. Competitive rewards encourage win/lose thinking

                b. Recognition is not dependent upon competition - - people want to be appreciated for doing the right thing, not given a prize.

                c. Merit rating rewards people who do well in the system. It does not reward attempts to improve the system.

                d. Team members are better recognized for

                     - Client satisfaction (solving a problem)

                     - Performance of job tasks

                     - Longevity on the team

                     - Unique contributions to the practice

If Disney ran your hospital, you would

10. Close the gap between knowing & doing

                a. Consistency in the day-to-day execution of universally shared values and commonly desired behaviors closes the gap between knowing and doing

                b. To go from good to great, the practice culture needs to be a culture of commitment not compliance (e.g I do this because I must)

                c. Responsibility and accountability occur in one's work area

                d. Accountability is not contingent on being told "how" - - instead, focus on "what"

Attitude is everything

          • Henry Ford - - "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

          • Earl Nightingale - - "All the Money You Will Ever Have is Currently in the Hands of Someone Else"??

          • Fred Lee - - "Satisfied clients are not necessarily loyal. When you can't remember anything you are satisfied. A satisfied person has no story to tell. Loyalty is generated by memorable things that happen that we didn't expect."

          • Fred Lee - - "It only takes one person, during one visit, becoming personally involved by doing something special."

For our clients, loyalty comes from compassion. Loyalty must be earned

When maximizing the client experience, leverage all three levels of caring

                1. Competence

                     - The enemy of competence is carelessness

                2. Courtesy

                     - The enemy of courtesy is avoidance

                3. Compassion

                     - You can't fake empathy

Fred Lee - - "Consistency is the hallmark of great performances"

Walt Disney - - "You can dream, create, design, and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality."

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