The owners bring Wyatt in one week later for re-evaluation and, on cursory evaluation, Wyatt appears clinically improved. He is bright and alert and bounces into the examination room. While you are taking your history, however, you notice that Wyatt is continually scratching. Wyatt's owners are frustrated because he initially seemed to improve.
Recheck examination findings
The pyoderma and otitis externa have clinically responded well to therapy, but the pruritus persists and concerns you.
What is your next best step for Wyatt?
a) Perform a skin biopsy to determine the cause of the pruritus and dermatitis.
b) Refer Wyatt for evaluation by a dermatologist.
c) Rule out occult sarcoptic mange with treatment and response to therapy.
d) Start therapy with modified cyclosporine for refractory atopic dermatitis.
e) Submit a serum allergy test to reassess Wyatt's regional allergies and to rule out food allergy.
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