BizQuiz: Are you educating your veterinary team? (Answer 4A)


Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 4 of "Are you educating your veterinary team?"

4) A—Not enough

Your administrator or practice manager is the leading nonmedical team member and an example for others. Whether he or she comes from a business background or transitioned from medical work to administrative tasks, there's more to learn in both arenas that can help him or her do the job better.

Would your practice manager be interested in pursuing CVPM certification? Read the latest about the boom of practice managers nationwide and this big next step for them here. Has your practice manager checked out the free resources online, including those for them at ……

Don't let your manager languish in day-to-day drudgery without an avenue for self-improvement and a chance to learn from others.

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