BizQuiz: Are you educating your veterinary team? (Answer 2B)


Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 2 of "Are you educating your veterinary team?"

2) B —Not enough

Twice a month may be enough, maybe not. Things are changing all the time at your practice, and you know that-in your own head. But are you transmitting these changes often enough to the associates, practice manager, technicians, and team members who need to know what you think is important, what needs improvement, etc.? Are team members in different shifts on the same page?

Staff meetings don't need to last a long time, but they need to be frequent to make sure struggles and successes are being shared with everyone. These staff meetings can also include tidbits of medical information from you or a team member who has attended CE or read something new.

You can help make sure your team members don't loathe your team meetings with the five tips presented here.

One practice manager even recommends taking a few minutes to meet with team members one on one. Read about it here.

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