8 telltale signs your veterinary team stinks


If your co-workers exhibit any of these symptoms, watch out. You're all just a group of employees posing as a real veterinary practice team.

1. Employees work independently

Example: Staff members say, “It's not my job,” and isolate themselves in their duties.

2. Employees work at cross purposes

Example: Staff members feel like their co-workers are creating more work for them.

3. Employees don't know their roles

Example: No one is accountable, because no one understands who's supposed to do what.

4. Employees focus on themselves

Example: Staff members put their individual goals before practice goals.

5. Employees don't trust one another

Example: Staff members hoard knowledge in order to maintain control.

6. Employees don't feel ownership

Examples: Staff members are told what to do rather than being involved in the creation of goals. Suggestions get shot down.

7. Employees don't feel supported

Example: Staff meetings are silent because people are afraid to make suggestions or ask questions.

8. Conflict goes unresolved

Example: Owners and managers know about drama and problems in the practice but choose to ignore them.

Click here to get Shawn McVey's advice for transforming your ineffective group into a streamlined team that offers impressive client and patient care.

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