3 must-reads on nutrition


Don’t miss these 3 articles covering the importance of special diets for diabetic, geriatric, and overweight pets

Pet nutrition

Photo: Jiri Hera/Adobe Stock

In pets, a nutritious diet can make all the difference, and good nutrition can lead to long, healthy, happy lives. For patients dealing with health conditions like diabetes, old age, and obesity, proper nutrition is crucial. With recent developments in veterinary nutrition, the significance of special diets for patients living with these conditions cannot be overstated. Learn more in the articles below:

  • What to feed patients with diabetes: Diabetes is common in both cats and dogs, frequently presenting with other comorbidities. Kathryn Junkins Sarpong, DVM, DABVP (canine/feline) discusses the specific nutritional needs of diabetic felines and canines, and how to account for potential comorbidities.
  • All eyes on nutritional needs of geriatric pets: With the advancements of veterinary care and diet formulation, domestic cats and dogs are living significantly longer lives. Now, researchers around the world are working to get a better understanding of the nutritional needs of these geriatric patients. Amanda Bean, BS, PharmD candidate, explains what researchers have learned.
  • Study shows special diet can help dogs lose weight and support joint health: Obesity is a rising threat to pets—more than 50% of dogs in the United States are overweight and/or obese—and it can lead to a slew of other health issues. At the 2024 AVMA Convention, Kristen M Carnagey, PhD, senior nutrition scientist at Hill’s Pet Nutrition, presented a poster session covering a study that tested the efficacy of dog food specifically formulated to support weight loss.
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