Wound Management - Introduction


In this issue, we have asked board-certified surgeons and wound care experts in both small and large animal medicine to tackle some of the challenges practitioners face in selecting the right course of treatment in wound care.

DVM Newsmagazine takes a look at the recent advances made in wound care management.

Recent developments in the new types of bandages, medications and surgicaltechniques have now made it possible for animals to recover from severeinjuries.

In this issue, we have asked board-certified surgeons and wound care experts in both small and large animal medicine to tackle some of the challenges practitioners face in selecting the right course of treatment in wound care.

From equine leg injuries and paw pad abrasions to assessing contaminated wounds, this supplement will provide veterinarians with new information so they can continue to build on the quality of medicine they practice.

DVM Newsmagazine would like to especially thank Kendall Animal Healthfor sponsoring this special issue. We appreciate their commitment to educatingthe veterinary profession.

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