Date: February 11 - February 12, 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017: Lectures (Small Mammal; Avian Reptile; Technician Track)Sunday, February 12, 2017: Master Classes & Wet Labs (limited enrollment)Student members of the WEZAM Club and their faculty advisors at the University of Wisconsin, School of Veterinary Medicine have brought together experts in the field of exotic animal care to provide current information on the medical care of popular exotic companion animals. All profits from the conference go to support student learning experiences, scholarships and WEZAM Club activities.Topics include:Exotic Mammal ERRabbit AnesthesiaHamster MedicineRespiratory Disease in RabbitsCommon Diseases in SnakesReptile ObstetricsSmall Mammal HandlingReptile HusbandryAnesthesia in ExoticsEndoscopy in Exotic Animal PracticeWildlife TriageCPCR in Exotics
Event type: Professional Conference
Event Address: UW School of Veterinary Medicine2015 Linden Drive, Madison, WI, USA
Sponsor: Continuing Veterinary Medical Education
For More Information:Karl Olson,University of Wisconsin
School of Veterinary Medicine ,2015 Linden Drive ,Madison ,WI ,53706 ,USA