Top jobs


Total employment is expected to increase by 15.6 million jobs during the 2006-2016 decade, according to the most recent employment projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Total employment is expected to increase by 15.6 million jobs during the 2006-2016 decade, according to the most recent employment projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Almost all of this growth will occur in the service-provider sector, which will account for 75 percent of all jobs in 2016. Professional and related professions and service occupations are projected to grow most quickly, accounting for more than six of 10 new jobs created throughout 2006-2016.

How did veterinary professionals score?

# 5. Veterinary technologists and technicians

2006 employment: 71,000

2016 projection: 100,000

Percent growth: 41

Salary range: $21,260-$30,560

# 9. Veterinarians

2006 employment: 62,000

2016 projection: 84,000

Percent growth: 35

Salary range: $46,360 or more

Source:\, 30 Top Jobs of 2008 by Rachel Zupek

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