Stabilizing the Critical Avian Patient


This on-demand AVMA course by Dr. Thomas N. Tully, Jr., will discuss how to determine hydration, anatomic sites utilized for different forms of hydration therapy, different fluid agents commonly used, and how to determine fluid replacement volumes. (1 CE credit)

When an avian patient presents to the veterinary hospital in critical condition the immediate medical care provided often is the difference between life and death. This presentation will discuss how to determine hydration, anatomic sites utilized for different forms of hydration therapy, different fluid agents commonly used, and how to determine fluid replacement volumes. Nutritional supplementation for the avian patient including, products used, commercially available supplements, and how much to feed critically ill birds are important learning issues. When and how to place an air sac breathing tube will be the final focus of the presentation. (1 CE credit)

For more information, click here.

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