Date: April 24 - April 25, 2016
This intensive two day course closely pairs lectures with direct laboratory application of the surgical techniques covered using cadaver specimens. The topics covered will include: Local Skin Flaps Tension Relieving Techniques Axial Pattern Flaps Free Grafts Skin Stretching Closure Techniques Muscle and Myocutaneous Flaps Facial Reconstructive Surgery Nasal Reconstructive Surgery Paw and Pad Reconstructive Surgery Reconstructive Surgery of the Pinna Management of Skin Wounds of the Elbow New Applications of Vacuum Drain Systems Olecranon wounds/ulcers and effective management techniques "Tips and Tricks" in wound management and closure.
Event type: Hands-on labs
Event Address: Oquendo Center2425 E. Oquendo Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
For More Information:Janis Knoetzel,WVC
2425 E. Oquendo Rd. ,Las Vegas ,Nevada ,89120 ,USA