Date: May 10 - May 10, 2018
Proximal Abducting ULnar Osteotomy (PAUL):Medial compartment disease of the canine elbow is a common, highly debilitating orthopedic condition in need of a better treatment. Dr. Ingo Pfeil, Dresden, Germany, proposed a proximal ulna osteotomy, aimed at unloading the medial compartment, thus reducing pain and improving limb use and function.The Proximal Abducting Ulnar Osteotomy (PAUL)* procedure, invented and developed by Dr. Ingo Pfeil and KYON Veterinary Surgical Products, imposes a corrective limb alignment, aimed at unloading the medial compartment. The procedure, as currently practiced with the special Advanced Locking Plate System** (ALPS) implants, presents relatively low morbidity and is meeting the expectations of the early adopters in terms of clinical improvement.COURSE CONTENT: Review of rationale / theory Instruction in lecture / video / bone model / cadaver formats Technical / practical instruction Bone model and wet lab exercises Ample discussion and wet lab post-op review Presentations on clinical experience, advanced techniques, avoiding/managing complications, new/ongoing research
Event type: Dry and Wet Lab Course
Event Address: Embassy Suites Hotel - Boston Logan Airport207 Porter Street, Boston, MA, United States
Sponsor: Kyon Veterinary Surgical Products
For More Information:Marta Harrington,Kyon Veterinary Surgical Products
156 Porter Street, Unit 249 ,Boston ,Massachusetts ,02128 ,United States