Date: August 17 - August 17, 2019
This course includes two parts and is designed for the veterinarian who wishes to learn/refine the techniques of correction of patellar luxation with emphasis on medial patellar luxation. Specific components of the surgical procedure taught will be block recession trochleoplasty, tibial tuberosity transposition, medial release, and lateral imbrication including tips that arent in any of the textbooks! Part One of this course is a pre-recorded online lecture that includes a comprehensive discussion of the pathophysiology of patellar luxation, physical examination tips and pointers for radiographic assessment. Step-by-step surgical assessment and treatment will be presented including tips for special challenges as concurrent patellar luxation and cranial cruciate ligament disease. Postoperative care and monitoring will be presented. Part Two of this course is a hands-on workshop. The medial patella correction techniques will be demonstrated in a step-by-step fashion using high resolution video and practiced on canine cadavers under faculty supervision.
Event Address: Sheraton Suites Philadelphia Airport4101 B Island Avenue, Philadelphia , PA, United States
Sponsor: Securos
For More Information:
1-877-266-3349 Option 2,