Date: August 15 - August 15, 2019
Approved for 1 NYS CE credit - Presented by Lauren, K. Luedke, DVMMagnetic resonance imaging can be an especially useful diagnostic elucidating soft tissue and boney injury in the horse. This lecture will cover basic principles of MRI and its clinical application to referring veterinarians. Anatomy will be reviewed with relevance to types of scans (stir vs. proton dense, etc.). Common injuries will be exemplified in both the foot and the fetlock and where more common imaging modalities fall short. When to pursue MRI will be a focus of this lecture. A few cases will be discussed outlining the lameness exam, imaging, MRI findings, and the treatment/outcome.
Event type: Dinner CE Class
Event Address: Cornell University930 Campus Road, Ithaca, New York, United States
Sponsor: Cornell University Animal Hospital
For More Information:Bline FALZON,Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
930 Campus Road ,Ithaca ,NY ,14853 ,United States