Baton Rouge-Six students in the Louisiana State University, School of Veterinary Medicine (LSU) soon will begin research projects funded by Merck-Merial Animal Health Grants Program.
Baton Rouge-Six students in the Louisiana State University, Schoolof Veterinary Medicine (LSU) soon will begin research projects funded byMerck-Merial Animal Health Grants Program.
All veterinary students can submit grant proposals, and those chosenreceive $5,000 toward the development of a research plan.
In August, the students must present their research to Merck-Merial atthe University of Georgia. They also will prepare a presentation of theirresearch at the annual LSU Phi Zeta Research Emphasis Day in September.
The Merck-Merial program encourages innovative studies in human and animaldiseases and supports future veterinary careers in biomedical research.