Kansas State University names Bonnie Rush dean of veterinary school

dvm360dvm360 July 2019
Volume 50
Issue 6

Dr. Rush has been teaching at the College of Medicine since 1993 and serving as interim dean for the college since 2017.

Bonnie Rush, DVM, MS, DACVIM. Image courtesy of Kansas State University.

After a national search, Bonnie Rush, DVM, MS, DACVIM, has been selected as the new dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University. Rush has been serving as interim dean since 2017.

“With her strong history of leadership for the College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Rush is the right choice to lead this college and its vital teaching, research, service and outreach programs into the future,” said Charles Tabor, MS, PhD, provost and executive vice president of Kansas State University, in a release from the university.

Dr. Rush became a faculty member at Kansas State University in 1993 and head of the clinical sciences department in 2006, where she coordinated core courses, led curriculum reform and maintained responsibility for clinical outcome assessment, according to the release. As a professor of equine internal medicine, Dr. Rush specializes in equine respiratory disease with an emphasis on respiratory physiology, immunology and aerosol drug therapy.

As dean, she will be tasked with program development, faculty and student development, research, teaching and extension, program accreditation, diversity and the 2025 plans for both the college and the university, according to the release. The College of Veterinary Medicine has three academic departments and two service units, and provides broad training opportunities across companion and exotic animals and livestock species.

“It has been an honor to serve as the interim dean,” Dr. Rush said in the release. "The students, faculty and staff of the College of Veterinary Medicine are tremendously talented and committed to advancing the missions to strengthen animal health and well-being through research, education and service.”

Her appointment will begin on June 16.

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