Date: August 27 - August 27, 2016
Instructor: John C Godbold Jr., DVMPrice: $425Time: 8:00 AM 12:00 PMLocation: Room 2104-A
Learn & practice the principles of successful & safe use of the CO2 surgical laser. Earn 4 hrs CE Credit while performing surgical procedures, such as Incisions, Ablation, Oral & Eyelid Surgeries, Simulated Tumor Excisions, and more.
With Dr. Godbold teaching you in his stress-free way:
Discover why Laser Surgery is FUNAcquire Basic Techniques to enhance your Laser surgical skills.Master Advanced Techniques to offer more surgeries to clients.Find out how SuperPulse can bene?t your patients.Understand how HIGH power can improve your surgical outcomes.Learn how to use the Laser for every surgery.If you could cut at the same speed as a blade, with no char and with hemostasis, why not use the Laser for every part of every surgery? Over 25% of practices with a hollow waveguide Laser only use the Laser. No scalpel handles are in OR packs and blades for skin scraping are hard-to-?nd.*Take-home multimedia instructional material will be provided.
Event type: Continuing Education Wet Lab
Event Address: Kansas City Convention & Entertainment Centers301 W. 13th Street, Kansas City, MO, United States
Sponsor: Aesculight
For More Information:Laura Brown,Aesculight
16932 Woodinville Redmond Rd NE ,Ste. A-206 ,Woodinville ,Washington ,98072 ,United States