Date: July 15 - July 16, 2016
This flexible endoscopy course is introductory and will focus on equipment selection, diagnosis, surgical techniques and how to integrate endoscopy into your practice. The following areas will be discussed during this two day event: endoscopic gastric foreign body retrieval, techniques for a colon prep and colonoscopy, esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, and duodenoscopy with biopsy. There is a hands-on laboratory on both days which will include both upper and lower gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures such as esophagoscopy, gastroscopy, duodenoscopy and colonoscopy. A technician may attend with the veterinarian but will only be able to observe in the lab. **PLEASE BRING SCRUBS FOR THE WET LAB.Maximum Capacity: 18
Event Address: UGA College of Veterinary Medicine501 D.W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA, United States
Sponsor: Storz
For More Information:Melissa Kilpatrick,University of Georgia
Athens ,Georgia