Equine Poor Performance & Rehabilitation for Practitioners A 2-Day Practical Course


Date: May 01 - May 02, 2015



Total Available Places: 30


Accredited CPD Hours: 14 hours


Registration Deadline: Friday, April 3rd, 2015


Equine Practitioners are regularly confronted with poor performance-related questions, such as: My horse has started to make a noise during exercise and struggles to keep up with the other horses; what do you think is causing it? Do I need to be concerned about teeth grinding? Another vet diagnosed a heart murmur – do I need to worry about it? Evaluating a horse for poor performance can be a daunting task because different conditions may present with similar clinical signs, leaving vets wondering where to start the investigation. This 2-day practical course covers the most common causes of poor performance such as cardiac problems, upper respiratory obstructions, systemic diseases, gastric ulcers, muscle conditions through lectures and practical small-group sessions. The topic of convalescence from musculoskeletal conditions is approached through lectures on how to devise tailor-made rehabilitation programs, physiotherapy of the horse with upper front- and hindlimb problems and back/sacroiliac conditions. Using pulse, lactate and GPA tracking as training and rehabilitation tools will furthermore be discussed.

Event type: CE Course

Event Address: Equine Sports Medicine & Surgery

Register now

Sponsor: VetPD

For More Information:

844-870-6097, office@vetpd.com

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