Date: November 14 - November 14, 2015
This course provide lectures and wet lab in veterinary dentistry for technicians. The morning sessions will provide classroom lectures and the afternoon will consist of an interactive wet lab.Lectures will cover:- How to give a thorough oral exam and a proper intraoral exam under anesthesia,- evaluating patients,- recognizing different types of tooth fractures and treatment options,- recognizing different stages of periodontal disease and treatment options,- tooth resorption and stomatitis,- dental instruments,- anesthesia and patient monitoring,- complete dental prophy,- dental radiography,- dental charting,- and home care options.This course will provide 7.5 Hours of CE credit.
Event type: Veterinary Technician CE Conference
Event Address: College of Veterinary Medicine501 DW Brooks Drive, Athens, Georgia, United States
For More Information:Melissa Kilpatrick