Please note these important corrections and clarifications.
In the pull-out poster "A Practitioner's Quick Reference to Selected Parasiticides for Dogs and Cats" that accompanied the July 2013 issue, Frontline Tritak for Dogs and Frontline Tritak for Cats were incorrectly attributed to Merck Animal Health; these products are available from Merial. In addition, Heartgard was spelled incorrectly for Merial's Heartgard Chewables and Heartgard Plus for dogs and Heartgard Chewables for Cats and their associated website (
Also for the pull-out poster "A Practitioner's Quick Reference to Selected Parasiticides for Dogs and Cats," please note:
We regret any confusion this may have caused. The corrections mentioned above have been input into a revised and updated poster, which is included in this issue. Please discard the previous version. You can also download a PDF of the poster by scanning the QR code to the right or visiting