BizQuiz: Are you educating your veterinary team? (Answer 9A)


Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 9 of "Are you educating your veterinary team?"

9) A—Not enough

In 2008, only 12 percent of Well-Managed Practices spent less than $200 per credentialed technician. Your technicians may be starving for the information and inspiration they need to serve your clients. They put in the time and money to be certified, and they may be struggling to justify more education and CE when you don't seem to value it.

You can find online and in-person resources for CE for technicians all over the place. Try CVC in Kansas City, San Diego, or Washington, D.C. Turn your technicians onto online CE.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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