BizQuiz: Are you educating your veterinary team? (Answer 10C)


Taking the BizQuiz? This is the answer to question 10 of "Are you educating your veterinary team?"

10) C—Good!

You show your assistants-and your entire team-you value them and their professional growth. In 2008, just 15 percent of Well-Managed Practices spent more than $500 on CE per assistant. Your dedication to a better-educated team is most likely paying you big dividends.

How did you do?

If you answered mostly with "A"s, it's time to rethink your stance on education. Staff members will more than recoup the investment you make in them with the ideas and enthusiasm they will bring back to the practice.

If you answered mostly with "B"s, you're heading in the right direction. You know that practice-sponsored education is important for the growth and enrichment of staff members, but there's room for you to improve. Be sure to budget for training, educational programs, seminars, and any travel expenses that may be necessary to attend external CE.

If you answered mostly with "C"s, you're outstanding! Your team members benefit from multiple practice-sponsored opportunities to learn, plus you provide funds for external seminars and conferences. You back your team members in their quest for knowledge and your practice benefits from what they learn. Keep encouraging education!

Interested in more data on CE ideas opportunities as well as tips and data on financial standards, medical standards, and client compliance? Click here.

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