Date: December 12 - December 13, 2015
This 2 day hands on course will provide a balanced introduction to both the scientific and Traditional Chinese medical application of acupuncture therapy.? Lecture presentations and discussion of acupuncture principles will provide the basis for hands-on experience using the canine as a laboratory model.? The laboratory portion of the course will provide the opportunity to learn in dogs commonly used points' location, needling techniques and case-based demonstrations. ? ?Upon completion of this course, registrants will be capable of applying in practice a fundamental knowledge of acupuncture and will be well prepared for additional in-depth study in ?a veterinary acupuncture certification program.
Event type: Hands-on labs
Event Address: Oquendo Center2425 E. Oquendo Rd., Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
For More Information:Janis Knoetzel,WVC
2425 E. Oquendo Rd. ,Las Vegas ,Nevada ,89120 ,USA