3 Must-reads on veterinary toxicology


3 articles covering the nuts and bolts of veterinary toxicology.

Kristina Blokhin / stock.adobe.com

Kristina Blokhin / stock.adobe.com

In light of Poison Prevention Awareness Month coming up in March, we have spotlighted 3 articles that raise awareness on the latest diagnostic and treatment methods for pets experiencing toxicosis.

From treating felines who ingest anti-depressant medications often found in households to an outline of pet renal toxins—there's something for everyone. Happy reading!

  1. SSRI/SNRI toxicity: what you need to know: A veterinarian offers tips for recognizing and treating cats who have ingested Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs).
  2. A practical review of common veterinary renal toxins: Tina Wismer, DVM, MS, DABVT, DABT, outlined 5 common renal toxins to bear in mind when presented with patients suffering from toxicosis.
  3. Heart medication poisons pet around Valentine’s Day: Discover the measures an emergency hospital took to successfully treat a dog who ingested a 2-week supply of heart medication.

To learn more about toxicology, visit our toxicology page.

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