3 Must-reads on geriatric patient care


3 articles containing tips and tricks for helping senior companion animals flourish

Mary Swift / stock.adobe.com

Mary Swift / stock.adobe.com

Senior pets require specialized care. Because of this, we have selected 3 articles that cover the nuts and bolts of helping pets and their owners navigate this period of life and thrive.

From specifically caring for elder felines to educating clients on geriatric care—there's something for everyone. Happy reading!

  1. Is aging a disease?: Brennen McKenzie, VMD, MSc, MA, provides insight so you can better understand the process of patients growing older and helping clients manage age-related conditions.
  2. Care for the aging feline patient: more than just medicine: Discover these key considerations that can significantly enhance a senior cat's quality of life.
  3. Welcoming and caring for senior pets: Heidi Lobprise, DVM, DAVDC, offers insight you can share with clients so they can identify early signs of disease in their geriatric pet to provide them the best care possible.
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