Date: May 16 - May 17, 2019
The course is appropriate for veterinarians specializing in laboratory animal medicine, especially those preparing for ACLAM board certification.The symposium will present relevant topics in Laboratory Animal Medicine with an emphasis on the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM) primary species and recent literature. Registration for the workshop is required.The slide collection established by the team at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) will be available for review electronically. This collection includes biology and diseases of many laboratory animal species. Group or individual review of these sets will be available in the NCSU Veterinary Medicine Library. This course offers 13 hours each of continuing veterinary medical education for veterinarians by the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board. Full attendance is required to receive total CVME credit.
Event type: Continuing Education
Event Address: NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine1060 William Moore Drive, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Sponsor: North Carolina Academy of Laboratory Animal Medicine
For More Information:John Cole,NC State University College of Veterinary Medicine
1060 William Moore Drive ,Raleigh ,North Carolina ,27607 ,United States