Date: April 08 - April 09, 2017
University of Wisconsin; School of Veterinary Medicine; Continuing Veterinary Medical Education; 12th Annual Applied Animal Behavior CE Conference; Saturday and Sunday, April 8 and 9, 2017Saturday, April 4/8: Small Animal Track; Sunday, 4/9: Small Animal Track; Large Animal Track; Avian Behavior Track;Attendees will come away with expanded knowledge and skills allowing them to recognize common behavioral problems and key steps to solving these behavioral problems. Attendees will also hear the latest information about treatment options and how to approach behavioral problems in a private practice setting. Overall, this course will allow participants to provide better behavioral care for their animal patients.
Event type: Veterinary Professional Conference
Event Address: Alliant Energy Center1919 Alliant Energy Center Way, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Sponsor: University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine CVME
For More Information:Karl Olson,UW SVM Continuing Veterinary Medical Eduation
2015 Linden Drive ,Madison ,Wisconsin ,53706 ,USA