Who Has the Right to Lead?


Brian Faulkner, Bsc (Hons), BVM&S, CertGP (BPS), CertGP (SAM), MBA, MSc (Psych), MRCVS, discusses the requirement that leaders believe they have earned their right to lead.

Brian Faulkner, Bsc (Hons), BVM&S, CertGP (BPS), CertGP (SAM), MBA, MSc (Psych), MRCVS, discusses the requirement that leaders believe they have earned their right to lead.

Interview Transcript (slightly modified for readability)

“With respect to actually helping other people feel confident in their leadership, one of the absolute critical beliefs that I find with helping people step up and believe that they are entitled to lead is exactly that belief: Do I have the right to manage? Do I have the right to lead?

Now these rights, you’re not born with these rights. They’re acquired. The belief that you have that you’re entitled to command other people, i.e., give them instructions, tell them what to do—not aggressively, but in a directional way. And many people don’t feel comfortable assuming that level of right, command, and responsibility. And that’s one of the things when I’m coaching people in leadership and confidence, especially leadership, is I have to say to them, go forth and lead. You have the right to lead as long as you know what you’re doing, and you’re not being reckless or dangerous. But you have to have that right that you are entitled to be in command of your business, your organization. Because without that right, you can know all the theory in the world, you can have as many MBAs as you like, but if you don’t believe that you’re entitled to command your troops, your followers, your team, you’ll always be hesitant.”

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