Each Veterinary Medicine Essentials package covers diagnostic steps, treatment plan guidance and the latest updates, plus resources to share with your entire veterinary team and your clients.
The frequent visits through the doggie door or to the litter box. ?The straining. Possible blood in the urine. The pain that your clients might not even be aware of in their pets. There's likely a medical cause, but urinary tract disorders can also result from stress in the animal's environment. We've compiled our best articles on teasing out the cause of the infection and how to get it to just go away. We've even got lots of tips on how to get that urine sample in the first place.
Mar 22, 2017
Highly trained and experienced team members with the proper credentials can handle delicate procedures as well as-or better than-their bosses. So why do veterinarians have to be involved at all? ...
Mar 22, 2017
Placing a ureteral stent in cats with benign ureteral obstruction may preserve renal function. ...
Apr 07, 2016
The results are in! Nationwide announces the top medical conditions of 2015 and the average cost to treat. Does their list match up with what you see most in your veterinary practice? ...
Jan 11, 2016
Feeding a cystitis-prevention diet may be of benefit, but the exact food components responsible for the beneficial effect is unclear. ...
Aug 10, 2015
Practical tips for working up and treating cats with urinary signs. ...
Jun 25, 2012
This study explored the efficacy of a three-day course of enrofloxacin in dogs. ...
May 01, 2011
The most common concern expression by clients about their cats' behavior involves inappropriate elimination. ...
Veterinary radiologist Dr. Anthony Pease's thoughts on this quick and easy form of assessment. ...
Use this list of dos and don'ts the next time you process a veterinary urine sample. ...
Researchers have yet to pin down the cause or causes of this frustrating and often painful disease, so a definitive treatment protocol remains elusive. Current recommendations include lifestyle changes such as stress relief and increased water intake. ...
This article and the accompanying algorithms are intended to guide practitioners through the series of steps necessary to confirm the presence of hematuria, localize the source of the RBCs, and identify the specific cause. ...
A significant number of bacteria associated with pyuria indicates the inflammatory lesion is active. ...
Any time bacteria are identified, a "breakthrough" infection should be suspected. ...
The objective of part one of this two-part series is to summarize diagnostic caveats derived from our experience with medical management of urinary tract infections (UTI) during the past 35 years. ...
Veterinary pharmacologist Dawn Boothe runs down the drugs that you should, and shouldn't, use in empirical treatment. ...
A step-by-step surgical guide, tips to optimize results, and revision techniques, just in case. ...
An overview of diagnostic and treatment options for veterinary patients with signs of lower urinary tract disease. ...
Dr. Dawn Boothe discusses whether you should treat patients that have chronic bacteria in their urine yet no signs of infection. ...
Urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs when bacteria colonize portions of the urinary tract that are normally sterile (i.e., kidney, ureter, bladder, and proximal urethra). ...
Dr. Joseph Bartges discusses how a new set of guidelines provide an important framework. ...
A study looks at the association between chronic kidney disease and UTIs in cats. ...
Why you should consider this anatomic anomaly in female dogs with recurrent urinary tract infections-and how you can fix it. ...
Study results indicate possible need for testing in these patients. ...
Look outside the urinary tract-as well as in the cat's environment-for diagnostic and therapeutic answers. ...
Urolithiasis is common in dogs and cats, causing morbidity and, occasionally, mortality. ...
We've collected 9 of our favorite tips compiled from the pages of Veterinary Medicine to help you collect that free-catch urine sample from your veterinary patients. ...
Sick of seeing "stoned" cats and dogs at your veterinary practice? Don't pass the chance to stop the strain by preventing recurring bladder stones in dogs and cats. ...
Use this quiz to help determine whether a cat is marking or eliminating. ...