Veterinary Medicine Essentials: Pancreatitis and gastrointestinal disease


Each Veterinary Medicine Essentials package covers diagnostic steps, treatment plan guidance and the latest updates, plus resources to share with your entire veterinary team and your clients.

Often painful for affected pets, challenging to diagnose, difficult to treat. When you're facing a case of pancreatitis or gastrointestinal dysfunction, have no worries. We've compiled the best articles on these gut-wrenching conditions from dvm360 right here.


Updates on pancreatitis/gastritis

A quick guide to gastric acid suppression in dogs and cats

Sep 01, 2016

How you can counteract the corrosive action of elevated gastric acid in your veterinary patients and when preventive use is indicated. ...

Flatulence in dogs: Annoyance or sign of GI illness?

Jan 01, 2015

Persistence in finding the cause and crafting a solution can help keep owners content and your canine patients in their homes. ...

CVC Highlight: Practical GI function testing for veterinarians

Dec 09, 2014

These tests can help narrow down your differential veterinary diagnoses for chronic enteropathies. ...

Lecture Link: Canine pancreatitis: Insight from an internist

Aug 01, 2014

A summary of the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatitis in dogs. ...

Diagnosing pancreatitis/gastritis

Those frustrating vomiting cats!

Drs. Norsworthy and Olson discuss a diagnostic and therapeutic approach to chronic vomiting in cats. ...

Algorithm: Diagnostic and therapeutic approach to chronic vomiting in cats

Solve your feline chronic vomiting cases by downloading this algorithm. ...

Journal Scan: How effective is cPL testing for diagnosing pancreatitis in dogs?

And does amylase and lipase activity measurement play a role? ...

Identifying the cause of acute vomiting in dogs: It matters for treatment and outcome (Sponsored by IDEXX)

With a vomiting dog, it is critical to distinguish between pancreatitis and nonspecific gastroenteritis. This is because the standard-of-care treatment of pancreatitis is no longer identical to treatment of nonspecific gastroenteritis. Accurate diagnosis will guide you to the best treatment plan for your patient. ...

Abdominal exploratory: A therapeutic and diagnostic tool for veterinarians

Use these five steps to conduct a successful procedure and identify and investigate areas of concern. ...

Is it pancreatitis?

Dogs and cats with pancreatitis commonly display nonspecific clinical signs, so the condition can be difficult to diagnose. But there also has been a lack of diagnostic tests for pancreatitis that are both sensitive and specific. In this article, I provide an overview of the available diagnostic tests, including a new serum test. ...

Helicobacter gastritis: Does it cause chronic vomiting? (Proceedings)

Helicobacter pylori infection is the most common cause of chronic gastritis and peptic ulceration in humans. It is also associated with an increased risk of gastric lymphoma and adenocarcinoma. ...

Imaging techniques for the pancreas (Proceedings)

Pancreatitis is a common consideration in dogs and in an increasing number of cats presented for vomiting, anorexia, lethargy, or abdominal pain. ...

Treating pancreatitis/gastritis

Treatment tenets of pancreatitis in cats

Digest this advice from a feline expert on how to handle a common cat crisis. ...

Your feeding tube options

Check out this overview of feeding tubes to provide enteral nutrition. ...

Managing pancreatitis in cats (Proceedings)

Feline pancreatitis is a very difficult disease to definitively diagnose (especially chronic cases or in cats that do not have persistent signs) and treatment remains symptomatic and supportive. ...

Hot Literature: Early enteral feeding in dogs with acute pancreatitis

New research in dogs has been conducted to see if early feeding in cases of severe acute pancreatitis is well-tolerated. ...

Video: How to manage feline pancreatitis

Drs. Susan Little and Pete Van Vranken discuss pancreatitis and triad disease in cats. ...

Antiemetic therapy (Proceedings)

The vomiting reflex is a complex mechanism that can be initiated peripherally from the GI tract, pharynx, chemoreceptor trigger zone (CRTZ), and vestibular systems or centrally at the emetic center in the brain. Direct stimulation of the pharynx can result in vomiting, although this is a relatively infrequent cause in animals. ...

Nausea, vomiting: First treat the underlying cause

Please provide a review of anti-emetic and prokinetic drugs - I am confused. ...

Associated conditions

Do concurrent diseases affect pancreatitis testing results?

A look at research into this important question that can impact your diagnostic approach. ...

Hot Literature: What's the relationship between hypertriglyceridemia and pancreatitis in miniature schnauzers?

Miniature schnauzers with a history of pancreatitis are five times more likely to have elevated serum triglyceride concentrations than the control group. ...

Journal Scan: Omega-3 fatty acids: How much is too much?

These researchers sought to describe the metabolic differences and potential adverse effects of the omega-3 fatty acids. ...

The pathophysiology of zinc's adverse effects

A key to diagnosing zinc toxicosis is understanding what adverse affects it can cause in the body. ...

Hepatic lipidosis – maximizing a successful outcome (Proceedings)

Feline hepatic lipidosis (HL, fatty liver disease) is the most commonly encountered liver disease in cats, and results from accumulation of fat (triglyceride) within the majority of hepatocytes. ...

Client education

Client handout: Understanding your pet's blood work

Use this client education form to teach pet owners about the blood work your veterinary practice recommends. ...

Your pet's physical exam

This handout gives your clients a look at what a veterinarian is looking for during their pet's physical exam. ...

Client handout: Will my pet be in pain?

Use this handout to build pet owners' awareness about pain in their pets. ...

Arming your team

Prep clients for long-term pet care

Be clear with clients about their pet's chronic disease management, right from the start. ...

A low-stress handling algorithm: Key to happier visits and healthier pets

This tool will help you take measures now to make every visit a positive one for every pet, ensuring that when more serious issues arise, you can achieve an optimal outcome. ...

Team handout: 7 steps to make your veterinary practice comfortable for pets in pain

Use these tips and ideas from the Windsor Veterinary Clinic in Windsor, Colo., to ease the pain and strain of a veterinary visit for pets. ...

Behaviors suggestive of postoperative pain in cats

In people, pain is what the patient says it is. But in animals, it's what we say it is. To better recognize acute pain in cats, observe patients for the behavioral changes described here. ...

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