Veterinary associates, other veterinary experts play The Road to Owning!


Veterinary conference attendees dug down deep to explore skills, desires and personality to navigate the bumpy path to veterinary clinic ownership.

It's a silly but also serious way to consider whether a veterinarian (or nonveterinarian!) has the right stuff to own a veterinary practice. Veterinary Economics Editor Brendan Howard adapted the game's questions from practice appraisal and brokerage firm Simmons & Associates. A trip through “The Road to Owning” may help you-or an associate you love-reconsider your stance on this tough career choice. Watch the following videos as Brendan Howard guides guests across the board.

First up is Dr. Sarah Wooten, an associate from Colorado. Can she cut it at the helm of a clinic? Click to find out.

Coming up: The tragic detour caused by Dr. Jeremy Campfield's decision-making process.



Dr. Jeremy Campfield, an associate from Southern California, is in the hot seat and revved up to race The Road to Owning.

Next: Dr. Adam Daniell fails to consider the big picture, swerves.



Here Dr. Adam Daniell from Southern California assumes the driver's seat.

Some states allow for nonveterinary ownership of practices. Coming up, can practice consultant Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM, find the finish line?



Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM, of Halow Tassava Consulting has assumed the controls. Watch his chase to the checkered flag of clinic ownership.

Next: The bonus round.



Dr. Karen Felsted, MS, CVPM, CPA, actually has owned a practice. Does she think she still has what it takes?

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