Montpelier, Vt. -- Vermont lawmakers have approved a bill that aims to protect animals and children from ingesting antifreeze.
Montpelier, Vt.
-- Vermont lawmakers have approved a bill that aims to protect animals and children from ingesting antifreeze.
House Bill 6 was introduced Jan. 8 and signed by the governor May 12. It requires that any antifreeze, appealing to animals and children because of its sweetness, sold in the state contain a bittering agent to act as a deterrent to ingestion.
The bill went into effect immediately and relieves antifreeze manufacturers from any liability should antifreeze still be ingested.
FDA approves oral drug for broad canine protection against parasites
October 7th 2024Elanco's lotilaner, moxidectin, praziquantel, and pyrantel chewable tablets (Credelio Quattro) provide a single monthly dose for protection against fleas, ticks, heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, and 3 species of tapeworm.
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