Use these pleas to stop fleas: Posts and tweets about flea facts and figures


Use your social media network to educate clients and raise awareness about flea facts and figures with these tweets and posts.

You know your clients are itching to learn more about fleas. Now their social media streams can be hopping with flea information they need to know to protect their pets. 

Tweets: Just press the Twitter buttons below and log in to tweet these messages.

Facebook posts: Copy the type, log into Facebook, and paste the type into the status field.

Tweet A few #fleas aren't a big deal, right? Wrong. They can turn into a massive infestation in a hurry. Come see us ASAP! #pethealth

Sure you've seen a few fleas on Fluffy, but it's not like one or two are a big deal, right? Wrong. A few fleas can turn into a massive infestation in a hurry. Quick! Come see us so we can free Fluffy from fleas ASAP.

Tweet#Flea allergy dermatitis accounts for about 50% of all canine and feline dermatological cases. Signs: Scratching neck/licking. #pethealth

If your pretty kitty is scratching, licking constantly, or you spot crusty bumps around her neck, she could have flea allergy dermatitis. This condition accounts for about 50 percent of all canine and feline dermatological cases. Get in touch so we can keep your pet from becoming a statistic.

Tweet When the dog has #fleas, don't forget to treat the guinea pig. It only takes one infected #pet to infest the others. #pethealth

When one of your pets has fleas, don't forget to treat all of the animals in your house-down to the guinea pig. Even if they aren't scratching yet, it only takes one infected pet to infest the others. That's why it's so important to de-flea the whole family!  

Tweet Matilda can't stop itching, but why? She could have #flea allergy dermatitis. Let's take a look-see and stop the scratching. #pethealth

Matilda can't stop itching, but why? She could have flea allergy dermatitis-even if you've taken all the standard precautions against fleas. Let us take a look-see and stop the scratching.

Tweet Myth: If your #pet has #fleas you'll always be able to spot them. Truth: Fleas are fast and don't want to be spotted. #pethealth

Myth: If your pet has fleas you'll always be able to spot them. Truth: Fleas are fast and don't want to be spotted, so even a thorough search can overlook them. And all it takes is a quick walk near a nest of fleas to expose your pet to a whole new batch.

Tweet If you only walk Max on the sidewalk, you may think he'd never get #fleas. Nope! Those little buggers aren't afraid to jump. #pethealth

If you only walk Max on the sidewalk, you may think he'd never get fleas. Think again! Those little buggers aren't afraid to jump and hitchhike on your pup. Let's run a flea comb through Max's fur, but we're warning you: the results might make you bug out!

Tweet Did you enjoy that mild winter? Yeah, so did the #fleas. No freeze equal more fleas. Watch out! #pethealth

Did you enjoy that mild winter? Yeah, so did the fleas. It takes a good, solid freeze to kill off parasites, so while you were wearing short-sleeves in November, the pest population could have potentially doubled or tripled. Make an appointment and we can double and triple check your pet for fleas.

Tweet Beware generic #flea prevention products! Is saving a few bucks really worth risking your pet's health? #nope#wecandobetter#pethealth

Beware generic flea prevention products! Sure, they're cheaper, but at what cost? Is saving a few bucks really worth risking your pet's health? We think not. How about we talk about some of the topical brands we trust and why. Don't make us bust out the generics-gone-wrong photos as proof!

Tweet Bought a preventive, but still seeing #fleas? Let's look at your pet's bath time routine. Waterproof doesn't mean soap proof. #pethealth

If you bought a flea preventive from our clinic, but you're still seeing fleas, we may need to take a look at your pet's bath time routine. You see, just because the product is waterproof, doesn't mean it's soap proof. Give us a call and we'll make sure you aren't washing your money away.

Tweet Short on dough? Monthly #flea control is a low-cost alternative compared to the stress/cost of treating flea-related illnesses. #pethealth


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