The top online pet health topics of 2010


Here are the things your clients are searching for online-can you find ways to talk about these topics when they visit your practice?

Ever wonder what your veterinary clients are searching for on the Internet?, a site for consumers that provides medical information, isn’t just for humans—the site also has pet health topics. Three quarters of’s readers have pets, after all. Here’s a list of the top five pet-related searches of the year on

1. What pets can and can’t eat

2. Pets in the bed

3. Is my pet normal?

4. Your pet and your personality

5. Top 10 dog poisons

To help ensure that you’re the top source of pet health information for your clients, look for ways to broach these topics with them. It could be as simple as creating client handouts or asking a few specific questions during wellness exams. See the related links below for more.

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