Summertime, and the living is frantic


Summer vacations at veterinary clinics and everywhere else mean everyone pitches in to get the job done.

Is it only Tuesday? Shouldn't it be Friday by now? Maybe you've heard these words in your practice recently or even said them yourself. I'm sure feeling them today.

Summer—while a wonderful time of vacations, warm weather, and that heady "school's out" feeling that never really goes away—can also be extra busy when team members take time off and the rest pitch in to cover for their responsibilities. We at Veterinary Economics have been covering one another's bases and burning the midnight oil (OK, the 7 p.m. oil) to get it all done. Like most veterinary practices, we're busiest in summer—right when everyone's traveling. But I'm not complaining. I'm glad to do it, because next week they'll all cover for me when I take my vacation.

I've found that even when I'm crazed with work and personal activities, it's important not to get into that glassy-eyed automaton state where you keep forging ahead relentlessly, heedless of anything but the task at hand. That means leaving the building at lunchtime. Taking the time for meaningful conversation with friends and family. Getting that workout in. Or, after a 13-hour workday, simply crashing on the couch and watching Eclipse. (OK, maybe that's just me. And yes I know I'm a little late to the party. Team Jacob.)

How do you handle a busy schedule, a bare-bones team, and the enticements of summer? I'd love to hear. Get in touch at

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