Pets and Vets: Animal rescues and more


UC-Davis regrows canine jawbone, a bobcat kitten is rescued, and other state news.

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Give a dog a bone: UC-Davis regrows jaws

Veterinary surgeons and biomedical engineers at the University of California-Davis (UC-Davis) have successfully adapted cutting-edge biomedical technology to regrow jawbones in dogs, according to a UC-Davis press release. In the new procedure, surgeons reconstruct the jawbone using a titanium plate and screws and a piece of scaffolding that contains proteins to stimulate bone regrowth. Bone can be felt forming under the skin two weeks after the procedure and within three months there is new bone similar to the original jaw. Eight dogs have now undergone the procedure; all are well with functional jawbones. Total cost of the procedure ranges from $7,000 to $8,000.

Photos by Gregory Urquiaga

Smiling stronger:

Whiskey, pictured above with owners Robin Addams (left) and Tom Swierk in their San Francisco home, was the sixth patient to undergo the jawbone procedure at UC-Davis. Surgeons extracted a piece of Whiskey's diseased lower jaw and inserted a metal plate and a bone-growth sponge, allowing the bone to recover.

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Whiskey, a Munsterlander breed dog, recovered well from his operation.

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Tom Swierk plays with Whiskey on Crissy Field in San Francisco, Ca.

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(l to r) Robin Addams holds cocker spaniel Kahlua, while Tom Swierk holds Whiskey, while playing at Crissy Field in San Francisco, Ca.

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Wildfire rescue

Photos courtesy of the U.S. Forest Service

A baby bobcat injured and apparently abandoned in the Chips wildfire in Plumas National Forest in California was rescued by members of the Mad River Hand Crew Aug. 25.

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Named "Chips" after the wildfire from which it was rescued, the baby bobcat suffered second-degree burns all four of her paws and her eyes were infected. She is expected to make a full recovery.

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Crew superintendent Tad Hair and the Mad River Hand Crew decided to bring the apparently abandoned kitten to the Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care (LTWC) organization for care. She was found wandering, alone and dazed, along a roadside.

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The Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care organization cares for Chipsas she heal. The kitten enjoys a soft bed and up to six pulverized mice per day plus additional K.M.R. formula. Chips will soon be exposed to other bobcats and eventually be released back into the wild.

For more state veterinary news, see the next page.

Here's more veterinary news from around the states:


Officials with the police department and the Miami-Dade County State Attorney’s Office executed a search warrant at a Hialeah, Fla., townhome in August to end an apparent animal hoarding situation. Ileana Arnais and Rubiin Dario Arrojo were arrested and charged with 34 felony counts of animal cruelty due to severe neglect. “These animals were suffering in some ghastly circumstances, lacking food, water and medical attention, living in unsanitary conditions and confined to small spaces,” said state Attorney General Katherine Fernandez Rundle in a release. “This is a textbook example of neglect. I’m also certain that the neighbors suffered a different type of cruelty from these conditions.” Two dogs taken from the residence were euthanized.


A recent study by Kansas State University, published in an online version of the journal Vaccine, found that a new commercial siderophore receptor and porin protein vaccine for feedlot cattle can reduce levels of E. coli by more than 50 percent. The vaccine also reduced the prevalence of high shedders by more than 75 percent.


A 6-year-old yellow Labrador retriever shot in the face during a home invasion Aug. 18 survived, as did his owner, Gail King, who was shot in the chest. Niko received treatment at Affiliated Veterinary Emergency Services in Allen Park, Mich. Niko lost several teeth and suffered damage to the left side of his jaw and nasal passages. While recovering, Niko has a feeding tube in his esophagus and is on a liquid diet. A call for donations for Niko’s care prompted a $15,000 response in 10 hours.


Gaide Veterinary Hospital in Jackson, Miss., is reporting an increased number of parvovirus disease cases. The clinic usually sees two cases a month but is now seeing three a week.

New York

A pit bull puppy tied inside a bag and thrown from a moving vehicle in Brentwood, N.Y., is now out of the hospital. The 3-month-old puppy, named Joey, was taken to the West Islip Emergency Veterinary Clinic after another driver saw the incident and heard sounds coming from the plastic bag. Joey was malnourished and suffered fractured cervical vertebrae—essentially a broken neck. It’s also been reported that Joey had bite wounds on his neck, indicating that he may have been used in dog fighting. Board-certified neurologist Georgina Barone, DVM, DACVN, performed a full neurologic exam on Joey and believes he may regain use of his forelimbs and hind legs. Donations for Joey’s care reached $39,000; $27,000 was raised for information leading to his abuser’s conviction.


In the wake of the October 2011 release and subsequent death of dozens of exotic animals in Zanesville, Ohio, Ohio’s revamped exotic animals law took effect Sept. 3. The law prohibits the acquisition of dangerous exotic animals and requires a person owning a dangerous exotic animal to register it with the state Division of Wildlife. The law classifies dangerous exotic animals as large cats other than a domestic cats, nonhuman primates, alligators, crocodiles, constricting snakes and venomous snakes. Owners must meet detailed requirements of ownership under the law and register animals within 60 days of the law’s enactment.

In other Ohio news, The Ohio State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine will open a new hospital in Dublin, Ohio. The Veterinary Medical Center will be an expansion of the Hospital for Companion Animals in Columbus, Ohio, and will be a 24-hour private specialty hospital with emergency services.


Naturally occurring anthrax has been ruled the cause of death in a Klamath County, Ore., steer Aug. 22, according to the Oregon State Public Health Laboratory. The incident is said to be isolated to one herd, which is now vaccinated and monitored. State veterinarian Brad Leamaster, DVM, says the risk to other livestock is minimal outside the affected ranch, and state officials say the incident does not pose a threat to public health.


The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency will not issue permits for pet stores to sell turtles or for people to own turtles because of the animal’s capacity to harbor dangerous bacteria, including Salmonella. The agency’s captive wildlife coordinator, Walter Cook, says pet turtle ownership is a public health concern. The agency also wants to deter people from removing animals from their natural habitat. Those who own turtles are encouraged to donate them to one of Tennessee’s wildlife education facilities.


Utah’s Administrative Rules Review Committee recently listened to ongoing debate on who should be able to administer rabies vaccines to shelter animals. Retired veterinarian Donald Venda, DVM, advocated upholding current rules, which allow shelters to administer rabies vaccines with indirect supervision of a veterinarian. The Utah Veterinary Medical Association contends that only veterinarians should administer the vaccine. The committee decided to add wording to clarify that shelters can administer the vaccine with proper training and indirect supervision of a veterinarian.

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