Midland BioProducts introduces a barn-side test for determining passive immunity issues in newborn foals.
Midland BioProducts introduces a barn-side test for determining passive immunity issues in newborn foals. The test works on whole blood from the foal and is specific for a key component for determining passive immunity (IgG and its subtypes) in the foal's whole blood. The test is stable for three years from the date of the manufacture, does not need refrigeration and gives results in 10 to 20 minutes. The test compares to and exceeds testing methods on the market for determining foal IgG. The product is packaged in package sizes of three, six, 12 and 24 tests per box. The test is sold in two cut off points, 400 mg/dL and 800 mg/dL.
Passive Immunity Test
By knowing the IgG level of your newborn foal, you know that the foal's passive immunity is adequate or not, the company says.
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