Portland, Ore. - The Oregon Humane Society's (OHS) planned $6.4-million Animal Medical and Learning Center, slated to open in 2007, will be the first of its kind.
PORTLAND, ORE. — The Oregon Humane Society's (OHS) planned $6.4-million Animal Medical and Learning Center, slated to open in 2007, will be the first of its kind.
DVM Newsbreak
The center will serve as a resource for Oregon State University (OSU) students who will study at the on-site veterinary hospital.
OHS must raise $786,500 of the total amount needed to build the 22,000-square-foot animal hospital before the projected ground-breaking date in June.
The new addition to OHS will allow the society to provide on-demand veterinary services for the first time.
The current facility, which spans 46,000 square feet, was built in 2000 for $8.2 million, which was raised entirely by private donations.
OSU will supply a staff veterinarian while the OHS plans to hire another DVM for the clinic. Students rotating through the clinic will be housed in a dorm on the premises.