Morris Animal Foundation to fund for alternative feline sterilization method research


Nonprofit animal health research organization is accepting study proposals for considerate feline population management

Photography by Adri /

Photography by Adri /

Morris Animal Foundation is now accepting proposals for research focused on finding nonsurgical sterilization methods to humanely control populations of free-roaming community cats.

“We are excited to announce a funding opportunity that has great potential to contribute to thoughtful feline population management,” said Janet Patterson-Kane, PhD, BVSc, Morris Animal Foundation chief scientific officer, in an organizational release.1

“Successful proposals will attempt to tackle a problem that contributes to shelter intakes and leaves far too many cats and kittens exposed and vulnerable,” she added.

According to the release,1 proposals may consist of medication, vaccines, and additional interventions for feline population control only. Those will not be accepted that focus on other species or projects proposing use of laboratory animals. The maximum project length is 36 months, with a project budget limit of $75,000. The deadline for grant applications is July 1, 2022, at 4:59 pm ET.

Applications will be evaluated and ranked based on impact and scientific rigor by a scientific advisory board consisting of subject matter experts.1 Learn more and apply for grant funding at Morris Animal Foundation.

This initiative is supported by the Foundation’s Donor-Inspired Study program.


Morris Animal Foundation announces funding for alternative sterilization techniques. News release. Morris Animal Foundation. April 25, 2022. Accessed April 27, 2022.

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